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Original scanned October 1, 2002. Reduced print - for full-sized print, see Davis Box 163, Folder 13
[[photocopied newspaper page]]

NIPPON TIMES     WED., JUNE 1,  19[[??]] Page 3

[[begin article ]

Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu said in the Diet yesterday Japanese scientists seemed to be  [[?]] [[?]][[?]]concern over Article 9 of the United States Turkey agreement[[?]][[?]]uranium [[?]].

[[?]] was speaking to the Budget Committee of the House of [[?]] in reply to 

[[boxed]] Buy Your Copy of "MOTORING IN JAPAN" 
I[[??]]eal Guide
Bank of Japan 
[[image, drawing of two people driving by a mountain]] AT ALL
Bookstores & PX'S and 
at MAIN J.T.B. Office

[[boxed]] Genuine Cantonese Food
The only one in town
Once you tried you will always
want to dine there all the time
China House 
[[Chinese or Japanese characters]]
Minato-ku, Tokyo. [[??]]
[[image, drawing of 3 story building]]

Tokyo's Most Unique NITE CLUB
[[image, drawing of showgirl with tipping hourglass]]
[[caption]] Dining & Dancing [[/caption]]
Open 5 p.m.--Late hours
Gorio Conde and 
his Ginbasha Orchestra 
and Atomic Tone
. . .
Open 5 p.m. 

No [[??]] Charge until [[??]] p.m. 
[[??]] Minato-ku, Tokyo
Tel [[??]]
. . .  [[circular emblem of horse's head with decorative headdress]]
Ginza's Oasis!

[[image, B&W photograph of two men, one carrying a Walkie Lookie on their back and one holding a microphone to interview a woman]]
[[caption]] WALKIE LOOKIE--The gadget pictured here is a walkie lookie carried on the carrier's back enabling him to relay pictures in a television studio. The apparatus is on display in the 7th annual Telecommunication Exhibition currently being held at the Mitsukoshi Department Store in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. [[/caption]] 

[[begin article]]
Flying Frenchman Tours Globe to Succor Lepers 
by John Coombes 
Nippon Times Staff Writer
French barrister-playwright Raoul Follereau, internationally acclaimed as "The Vagabond of Charity" for his efforts to better the lot of lepers all over the world, is expected to leave Tokyo today for the Philippines after a 12-day visit to Japan.
Follereau, who, with his wife, has devoted a lifetime to killing off prejudice against leprosy sufferers, is normally a modest, quiet, law specialist. When he is called upon to head fund-raising campaigns, however, and make international representations at government level to letter the lot of lepers the world over, onlookers see the other side of this dynamic barrister's character. His initiative and determination has earned millions of Francs in France and Europe to finance research and educate the rest of the world's population in in terms of leprosy's supposed infection [[?]].
His tremendous drive and personality has sent encouragement to thousands of lepers in settlements all over the world and evoked intelligent sympathy, devoid of fear.[[?]]
In France alone, his campaigns have [[?]] over 600 millions Francs to further research and publicity on leprosy. And his efforts on the humanitarian side have also brought in huge dividends. 

In a [[??]] mixture of French and English he said in Tokyo yesterday, "We know now that there are bout 10 million lepers in the world. Some people may say that leprosy is therefore showing an increase, but that is not so. What is happening is that many lepers, previously afraid to admit the sickness because of the old prejudice against them, are now coming forward and registering themselves for treatment in the many modern settlements and leprogaria established by enlightened governments for the efforts of the many great doctors, nurses, and [[??]] workers who have devoted their life's work to these people." 
The Vagabond of Charity, as he is called, said that his Far Eastern tour began earlier this 
[[/end column]]

[[next column, same article]]
[[B&W photograph of Raoul Follereau]]
[[caption]] Nippon Times [[??]] 
Raoul Follereau [[/caption]]

year in Vietnam where he performed the opening ceremony for a new and modern research center for leprosy in that country. He came to Japan for the first time to see the new famous leprogaria established by the Japanese Governement at Nagashima and the settlements run by the Paris Foreign Mission Society in [[??]]. He also held consultations with leading Japanese leprologists including Dr. [[??]], whom he said, was held in very high regard by leprologists all over the world for his research work here. 
In the battle to break down social prejudice against lepers, Follereau said he was sure that his colleagues in Japan and many other countries were winning or compared with their successes before the war. His petite wife who has herself worked among leper [[children?]] for many years shares his opinion . Together, they intend [[??]] just how much progress has been made in the campaign in [[??]] before the return to Paris where Follereau works as a barrister, author and playwright. 

When he arrives home he will have added considerably to the [[?]]00,000 kilometers he has traveled in the last few years of the [[??]]
[[end of article]]

[[begin article]]
New Envoy to Britain Due to Leave June 10 
Newly appointed Japanese Ambassador Haruhiko Nishi to   Britain is expected to leave Tokyo via KLM at 3 p.m. June 10, for England via Frankfurt to assume his new post. 
Ambassador Nishi was formerly Japanese Ambassador to Australia. 
[[/end of article]]

Transcription Notes:
First article on Uranium is not done. Really unclear scan Nippon Times was published from 1943 to 1956, date unclear. But Haruhiko Nishi arrives in office in 1955 .