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[[stamp]] 8 MAR 1957 [[/stamp]]

Brigadier General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.
Commander, Air Task Force 13 (Provisional)
APO 63, San Francisco, California

Dear General Davis:

Inclosed are the orders mentioned in our cable of this date. In accordance with your expressed desires to General O'Donnell during our visit to Formosa, he is planning on your assignment to Europe sometime this summer. In the meantime, he asked us to issue these orders to permit you to return to the ZI at your discretion and to take such leave as you may desire. We have assigned you to Headquarters USAF for carrying purposes and to cover your travel across the United States.

If you will please drop us a line so we will know where to reach you while you are on leave, we will get in touch with you as soon as we have further information as to your assignment. I shall be glad to hear from you if you have any desires or problems in which we can be of assistance.

General Dean was in the Headquarters for a briefing the first of the week and displays a great deal of enthusiasm towards his new assignment. I attended a dinner at the Chinese Embassy Sunday night in his honor, and he seemed to be highly acceptable to the Ambassador and his staff.


Colonel, USAF
Chief, General Officers Branch
Office, Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel
