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Friday April 5, 1957

Dear Aggie,

As you go, I want so very much to thank you for your friendship. I have loved knowing you, working with you, being with you and laughing with you. When I think back on our Chinese lessons together and the sharing of some ideals and thoughts in the Heart and Hand group and lots of just good times playing bridge and talking, I will always remember that your spirit and gaiety made Taiwan a happier place for me. Teasing n'all!!

You and your husband have been fine examples of upright Americans and our government should hold much pride and gratitude for all the good you have accomplished here.

Someday perhaps I can tell you how your friendship and faith in me to help in some small way, has helped me over the darkest period in my life. I know a little, Aggie, of your thoughts of God. I believe in God and that He is good, created good and knows only good. When we need help He meets our every need right where we are and in the way which is best. Sometimes the smile or silent encouragement of a friend fills the vacuum.