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Transcription: [00:22:30]
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As I grew up I still remember them and I still have good friends where I would go to New York I always go back and visit them, and we still keep good relations. And I think it was because of our experiences at the school.

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The day program, now that's a little different. The residential school I remember all these things. At night time you may not be able to get to sleep so, they would try to help us go to sleep by you know, rubbing our arm or my friend would try to help, and then if not we'd try to sign in the dark at night.

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Run to the bathroom where we could talk where the light was on. We had so many good times at the school.

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Libby? I remember staying at the school during the week. Then I'd go home every weekend. I remember going at the first time to the school it was with my grandmother and I saw many different deaf children.

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Begin to play, and my grandmother disappeared. "Where's my grandmother?" The house person said: "No you stay here." And I started to cry, and I decided I don't like this school, because I wasn't, I would not be living with my friends, I mean my family.

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I'd be with all these strangers. Then after several weeks, I got used to it, but I still wanted to go home. The first year was kind of mixed, but after that I really loved the school.

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And I really do appreciate it because it trained us in many different ways, like how to brush our teeth right, dressing properly, how to make our beds very very neat.

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You had to have those corners just right, and that pillow had to be just fluffed right and tucked in. If it was messed up, they'd pull the whole thing off and *chuckling* do it over again!

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Yeah I'd just get in straight lines. Boys would be in one line, girls in another going to dinner. It would be separate when we eat. We'd go back to the dorm before the school would start, these lines would, we'd be in straight lines.

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Cleaning and mopping, that was part of it. The sweeping and we had to have turns and cleaning the bathrooms. I'll never forget one experience when I was a little more grown up I had to clean my room every day.

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Before going to school which began at 8. You get up, get dressed, I didn't feel like cleaning the floor so I decided to just, just mop, just right around the bed and just kept on walking with the uh, flashlight.

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The supervisor would look under and saw all the dust under the bed. I had to go back in and do it all over. But it was fun at school.