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Transcription: [00:00:07]
{SPEAKER name="Jack Gannon/Shirley Schultz (interpreter)"}
in public and after that 20, 29 and so on, a lot of people learned how to fly.

In South Dakota, there was a deaf lady who took flying lessons. And after about 13 hours of practice, she uh, solo'd. And got her license to fly.

And her father gave her a biplane with the two double wings, and she would tour around the country, fairs, to uh, demonstrating flying, you know, upside-down all that, and offer rides to people who were brave enough to go up.

And she would charge children fifty cents and adults a dollar to fly. She called her plane, uh Pard, P-A-R-D, in honor of her father because her father was her "pardner."

And she joined a women's flying club, that had another member named Amelia Earhart.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Thank you, that's interesting! [[applause]]

{SPEAKER name="Jack Gannon/Shirley Schultz (interpreter"}
The deaf—the deaf woman's name was uh, Nellie Willheit? Nellie Willheit. She's still living today. And I think she uh, was the first woman in South Dakota to learn to fly.

And I think she was the first deaf person in the world, uh, she got her license in 1928.


{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Thank you. Are there any other questions from the audience now at this point?

Remember you can raise your hand and holler at any time. Um, we started out this workshop talking about the creativity in the deaf community, inventiveness. Now, the deaf community has had a number of famous artists, um, Jack Gannon's book has a whole chapter on them, well-illustrated.

And Debbie Sonnenstrahl has one of my favorite stories about an artist who was also very inventive in a lot of other ways. I wonder if you would tell about him?