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Transcription: [00:36:55]
{SPEAKER name="William Ennis/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Okay, okay since my wife Glenda's here in the audience and she told me that I need to add something, that's Glenda right there.

and she said lets see, I remember when, what Mom said when I was sent to the school, Oklahoma School for the Deaf when I was three.

Mother had a very hard time to send, to let me go you know because I was so young at such a young age to send me to school. The superintendent used this example said, "come here" to my Mom and looked through the window.

A very beautiful girl, blonde hair, was 19 years old and was sitting under a tree and couldn't read or write just because her Mom loved her too much. So my Mom did send me.

I also have a brother here in the audience who's now interpreting right there. That's John.
You brought your own audience did ya Jack says, yes I've got a daughter here Bonnie-Joe right there. My son's somewhere running around. My cousins they couldn't make it today, but anyway. [[LAUGHTER]]

Um, lets see what I was going to tell you. Talking about John, I remember we and were only two year difference in age and a lady's asking there are you the younger, no I'm the older thank God because, just because when I wanted to do something like little league baseball, I knew that I happened to be probably one of the best baseball players on the block I thought.

All these kids around but when we put it into organized sports I thought, oh boy, I had to be under a coach and all the system and practice and so forth.

I thought well, I would make my brother go, come along. He wasn't interested in going to play baseball, he didn't want to go over there. He didn't want to! I started twisting his arm. He didn't go, I was gonna beat you up!

So I made him go with me, finally my Mom said okay, and she took us both down to the tryouts.

When I saw the kids, oh there was a lot of them there, I saw one or two, oh yeah there's a couple of them from my neighborhood, my little brother's really disgusted he's got us waiting for him to get out of the car and all of a sudden