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Transcription: [00:03:11]
{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
If you happen to have a friend who is deaf/blind, here or this weekend, please let us know. We will get an interpreter for deaf/blind.

If you want to make time, if you will contact us, please call our staff member, Jo Radner. Phone number is 244-6367, again 244-6367.

After our interview here, please feel free to ask questions to the participants.
Let's begin, please introduce yourselves, your name, where you are from, the job that you are working at.
One of the participants will be coming soon she is making a videotape. Yes, that's fine.

{SPEAKER name="Steve Jones"}
My name is Steve Jones, I'm originally from Baltimore, Maryland.
I've lived in Washington for about 10 years and I work for the Washington Post as a printer
and that's how I became involved with the deaf community. It was because about 100 printers at the Washington post are deaf.


{SPEAKER name="Jan De Lap/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
My name is Jan De Lap and I'm originally from Wisconsin.

I went to a deaf school there, the state school and I moved here in this area, oh, about 11 years ago
to go to Gallaudet College and presently I am working at the Washington Post as a printer.

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
My name is Dick Moore, my old hometown is in Kentucky, I've lived here the past ten years. I work