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Transcription: [00:12:12]
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
We'll begin to share as if we knew that person for months and months, very warm.

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
My first experience, well I can't really remember, because I went to the clubs from when I was a little kid. My parents are deaf.

My deaf grandmother went to the club also.

Really the deaf club, is the best center for deaf to get together and exchange the news, interesting things that have happened you want to know.

Every state has a club. Really there's no problem for me to make new friends. How could I find some deaf friends in another state? Very easy. One easy way is to get to the deaf club and make and meet new friends.

{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
I'm curious, I'd like to know something. Suppose you go to another state, and you find a deaf club, in another state, you know, different from here in Maryland. How do you find it?

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
We have a directory, the directory gives us a list of the different clubs all over the United States.

{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
What do you mean "it's in a book."?

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/John Ennis (interpreter)"}

{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
"In a deep book"? I mean is there any other publications like maybe the deaf american?

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Yes. You would find that there. We have several national publications for the deaf in the United States.

People going to other states look up on the back of a magazine for example, there'll be a list of deaf clubs and they can go to another state and visit the club.

{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
Did you ever feel going to a deaf club did you feel like a stranger or what, can you explain about that?

{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
I always felt a very warm feeling there, easy to make new friends for example--