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Transcription: [00:16:51]
{SPEAKER name="Dick Moore/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
I, I think that what helps is that he was willing to use our language, and for people who want to learn our language we welcome them.

{SPEAKER name="Simon Carmel"}
Sometimes hearing people never think of deaf people having like a T.V. in a deaf person's home or at their club, at the club house.

Really many deaf clubs have televisions. So today we have a special item that we, a device that we can put on the television. Does someone want to explain what the T.V Decoder is?

She's the best one to explain that.

{SPEAKER name="Jan De Lap/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Something just came up about two years ago. Where deaf people can by a special device called a decoder.

Put that on top of the television it's got a special wire that hooks into the television. When you turn it on you can see some captioning going on, and deaf people of course can read and see what the program is and what it's about.

Some people have what is called, built in, in the television. It's already built in, it's in one unit.

It works on caption it has to take about 48 hours before you send it to the television. I think it's 48 hours before they actually put it on T.V.

It's about, it takes about, we have about 20 hours a week. Now I think they're increasing it maybe to 26 hours a week. Yeah I think it's going up 26 hours a week of captioning.

Special movies, special programs Barney and Mil—Barney Miller and some of the other ones, some with humor.

Something funny about Barney and Miller. Before the Decoder was invented many deaf people were not interested in watching it.

Many hearing people loved to watch it because it was so funny all the stories but to deaf people there was nothing until the invention of the decoder and then many deaf people love watching Barney Miller also