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Transcription: [00:45:00]
{Unknown Speaker 1}
During that time before anyone could graduate from Gallaudet College, he or she had to present a speech before the public.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
Made up of teachers, superintendents of DC school system,

{Unknown Speaker 1}
Everyone, anyone who was interested in education was involved in this audience.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
So Washburn gave his lecture on what? Guess what it was?

{Unknown Speaker 1}
It was called -- the working mind of a spider.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And it was a big hit!

{Unknown Speaker 1}
So that the superintendent of the DC schools asked him for permission to publish his speech

{Unknown Speaker 1}
In the 5th and 6th grade science book for the schools all over this city.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And he graduated, and went on and made many many many accomplishments.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
One of the best greatest accomplishments he made was applying for a job as a news reporter.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
His work as an artist came later.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
But, as a reporter for a newspaper in Chicago, he traveled all over the world.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And I forgot to tell you one important thing. He was deaf even though he was born hearing.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
He became deaf at the age of 5.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And from that day on he never spoke again.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
Turned off his voice, closed his lips, and for the rest of his life he signed. Till 80.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
When he became a news reporter anyway, he wrote different stories.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And one time he found himself in Mexico.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And Mexico was right in the middle of their Spanish Civil War.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
There was fighting everywhere all over.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
And Washburn wanted to see the President of Mexico. Really he was a dictator.

{Unknown Speaker 1}
He wanted to see him, have a private interview with him,

{Unknown Speaker 1}
Find out what his private dreams were, objectives for his country

Transcription Notes:
The voices have been confusing on this project. The interpreter speaking is not Jo Radner but an unidentified female voice that is not listed on the project. I have identified this voice as {Unknown Speaker 1}. Jo Radner is moderator of the panel and does not speak a lot compared to the unknown female voice interpreter or other interpreters who are interpreting the panelists.