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Transcription: [00:25:14]
{SPEAKER name="Jan de Lap/Charles Dietz (interpreter)"} What's wrong? You can't do that, this is a family show. Ahh shucks, it's a good one.


We do have those kind and they're very funny, very graphic but we can't do it here, y'know. Okay. What's wrong with you?



We have some new creations, created signs like this, what is this?

It's two S's the letter S. The ears, sears, fears, come on. Yeah it's a sequin okay. It's terrible, the same as this, this, okay.

The letters, the letter Z.

There are some special words with two Z's in them. We are supposed to spell pizza like this, P-I-Z-Z-A.

But, quickly it goes like this. Do you have another one?

B, Buzz, B-U-Z-Z with the double Z. Jazz, any more?

Double Z. A boy's name? Buzzy?

Oh, fuzz, the fuzz, the cops—