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^[[Curators Report file
Dep. of Fishes 88-89]]
[[strikethrough]] HWS [[line]] [[underline]] Use freely  [[/underline]] in acc. list & ? & C & S [[/strikethrough]]

List of Accessions received during July, 1888.

July 3, 1888. Acc. 20853. Cat. 39593-39626.

B.W. Evermann & O.P. Jenkins,
Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind.
A collection of fishes made in Indiana with a paper upon the same to be published in the Proceedings, U.S.N.M.

July 11, 1888. Acc. 20877. Cat. 39571-592.
Dr. Edgar A. Mearns, U.S.A.,
Fort Snelling, Minn.
A small collection of fishes from Fort Verde,Arizona, made during April and May, 1888.