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The Executive Committee discussed several agenda items in detail.  It was noted that a number of suggestions for clarification had been received from several Regents with respect to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Heye Foundation and the Smithsonian.  The Committee felt that none of these concerns were sufficiently substantive to force a delay in the approval of the document and asked that the document, together with proposed legislation, be forwarded for the Regents' final consideration on May 8.  The Committee noted with interest the efforts on behalf of an African American bureau of the Smithsonian and look forward to a thorough discussion of these matters, both substantive and procedural, at the Regents' meeting.

The Committee discussed the potential problems for the Institution and its boards and commissions if the Smithsonian is included under proposed legislation, S. 444, which would amend the Federal Advisory Committee Act (see below, Legislative Actions and Issues).  It was noted that the legislation as drafted challenges prevailing understandings of the nature of the Smithsonian and merits the Regents' close attention.

In accordance with the authority of the Secretary to establish and terminate bank accounts for the Institution, it was reported that since the Committee's last meeting only one account, which had been opened to hold in escrow the deposit for the sale of the African Art Museum Capitol Hill properties, had been closed.

The Executive Committee meeting was adjourned shortly before 1:30 p.m

[[underlined]] APPOINTMENTS TO THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE [[/underlined]]

Mr. Acheson noted that the death of Carlisle Humelsine has left a vacancy in the membership and chairmanship of the Regents' Personnel Committee.  After reminding the Regents that the two current members are Senator Charles McC. Mathias and Regent Emeritus Caryl P. Haskins, Mr. Acheson proposed that Senator Mathias be appointed Chairman and Jeannine S. Clark be appointed as a member of the Committee, noting that both individuals had indicated their willingness to take on these responsibilities.  Accordingly, the following motion was suggested and approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents appoints Charles McC. Mathias as Chairman of the Personnel Committee and appoints Jeannine Smith Clark as a member of the Committee.