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Introducing the following report, the Secretary drew the Regents' attention to the chart which is appended. He noted that from 1982 to 1988, Federal appropriations have increased 54%; during the same period, other categories of resources have grown as follows: investment income, +55%; endowment income, +168%; gifts, +323%; sales revenue, +199%; and membership revenue, +183%. He added that the substantial increase in discretionary trust fund income is vital for new program initiatives, for hiring the best people in administrative jobs -- people who would be inaccessible under Federal pay ceilings -- and for other central concerns of the Institution. The figures suggest that there is significant potential in these areas of activity and in broadening the participation of the Institution's 2.4 million Associates, a potential which has yet to be more than touched.

Introduced by the Secretary, Mr. Lovejoy highlighted the report, noting particularly the efforts that need to be made to reorganize and enhance development operations, to build a more effective volunteer network, to manage more intelligently lists of Associates as potential mail-order and retail customers and those persons of distinction who need to be brought into the Institution's network through special events. He emphasized the importance of the strategic planning process in the evolution of a better informed development operation.

Mr. McCance noted that of the 2.4 million Associates only 52,000 are donors to the Institution, which suggests a starting point in the strategy for building more effective development programs. He pointed to activities under way with the Contributing Membership Program, in the creation of statement that the Smithsonian represents a partnership between the Federal and "private" sources of its support, in the presentation of that case in a series