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all matters relating to the administration, maintenance, operation, and preservation of the Museum. Subject to general policy established by the Board of Regents of the Institution, the Board of Trustees shall have sole authority to

(a) loan, exchange, sell, or otherwise dispose of any part of the Museum's collections, provided that funds generated by any disposition shall be used only for acquisitions for the Museum's collections or additions to the Museum's endowment;

(b) subject to availability of funds and provisions of annual budgets of the Museum, purchase, accept, borrow, or otherwise acquire artifacts and other property for addition to the Museum's collections; and

(c) establish policy with respect to the utilization of the Museum's collections; 

and shall have authority to

(d) establish policy with respect to the restoration, preservation, and maintenance of the Museum's collections; 

(e) raise funds for the Museum and determine the purposes to which those funds shall be applied;

(f) approve expenditures from the Museum's endowment or income generated therefrom for any 

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