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1/ Construction estimates include detailed facility planning, design, construction management and administrative costs, as well as furniture and equipment allowance and construction contingency. Estimates are based on a 350,000 gross square foot building on the Mall and a 350,000 gross square foot facility at Suitland. The estimate for the Mall building includes sufficient allowance for increased excavation that may be required to ensure total square footage, even if SI elects to build a building with a roof profile closer to that of NASM than that of the East Building of the National Gallery of Art. The Suitland facility would provide contiguous storage space for the Heye and SI collections and space for a full range of conservation, exhibition production, research and program support activities.

Construction estimates are escalated to the mid-point of construction: October 1995 for the Mall facility and April 1993 for the Suitland facility. This schedule assumes building completion of the Mall museum by FY 1997 (which should allow exhibits installation and public opening by FY 1998) and completion of the Suitland facility by FY 1994. This schedule assumes that some facility planning funds would be available in FY 1990 for both the Mall and Suitland facilities, with additional formal design and construction funds available in subsequent years without interruption. Initial project planning/coordination costs are included in "Transition and Initial Operating Costs" (see Table 2) and amount to approximately $1.4 million, including [[underlined]] preliminary [[/underlined]] estimates of initial architectural planning and design.

2/ Includes funding for: storage equipment; opening exhibits; conservation; research and library equipment; energy equipment; security installation and mobilization; health unit equipment; exhibition production equipment; and telephone installation. Estimates are expressed in FY 1989 dollars and should be escalated to completion of construction (FY 1997).

3/ Figures are "orders of magnitude" based on the following:

FY 1989 In $000's

[[3 column table]]
[[underlined]] Program | Amount | Equivalent to: [[/underlined]]

Research/Curation | 7,200 | NMAH
Technical Support | 300 | NMAH
Exhibitions | 3,100 | NMAH
Education | 600 | OESE
Training | 200 | 1/3 of OMP
Traveling Exhibitions | 2,100 | 1/3 of OEC & Sites
Conservation | 1,100 | 1/4 of CAL & Ross Simons #
Library & Archives | 700 | Ross Simons & OPB estimate
Administration/Custodial | 2,800 | NMAH & 1 mil MSC
ADP | 700 | NMNH
Fellowships | 300 | OPB estimate
  | [[tally line]] | 
Total | 19,100 |