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[[underlined]] Development Objectives [[/underlined]]: The Office has begun trying to identify and assemble a set of new objectives for private funding. These objectives will group related program needs across the Institution -- such as those relating to global environmental change -- in order to seek longer-term and endowment support.

Bureau Development Initiatives

[[underlined]] American History [[/underlined]]: With the script, object list, and other elements coming into place for the new First Ladies Hall, movement on the fund-raising front is now possible. Already there is emerging a considerable array of individuals and corporations in various parts of the country that want to participate in giving to the project or helping to find support from others.

[[underlined]] Natural History [[/underlined]]: The level of pledges for the new Gem Hall has reached $1 million.

[[underlined]] Air and Space [[/underlined]]: With a recent $125,000 gift from Rockwell, funding for the "Beyond the Limits" exhibition about computers and flight is complete; some $2 million was raised in all, plus considerable in-kind support.

[[underlined]] The Cooper-Hewitt [[/underlined]]:  "L'Art de Vivre," the exhibition of French decorative arts sponsored by the Comité Colbert with a grant of $600,000 opened to great acclaim on March 30. The Museum also completed fund raising for the "Courts and Colonies" exhibition about the William and Mary period with a grand of $125,000 from the Shell Companies Foundation.

[[underlined]] Institutional Studies [[/underlined]]

During the past several months, the Office of Institutional Studies has been preparing final reports based on studies conducted during its first eighteen months and distributing these as reports, technical notes and working papers. Below is a list of documents currently available, as well as those which will be available in the next few months:

-- A Description of Smithsonian Contributing Members. A report based on the 1988 Contributing Membership Survey. Report 89-1. February 1989.

-- A Description of Smithsonian Resident Associates. A report based on the 1988 Resident Associate Program Survey. Report 89-2. February 1989.

-- Research Reports: Readers' Views. Report 89.3. March 1989.

-- Visits to the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the National Museum of African Art. Report 89-4. March 1989.

-- Visits to the National Air and Space Museum (NASM): Demographic Characteristics. Based on the 1988 NASM Survey. Working Paper 89-1. March 1989.

-- A Manual for Interviewers. Prepared for the 1988 National Air and Space Survey. Report 88-3. July 1988. [Distributed January 1989]