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Why is it that I cannot clear my mind as to what I admire or desire - that is the essential point. "Plus voulu" as M. Collin would say.
The pleasure of taste in things is all one jumble.

"Ô métamorphose mystique
De tous mes sens fondus en un!
Son haleine fait la musique,
Comme sa voix fait le parfum!"


"Ton souvenir en moi luit comme un ostensoir.

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suddenly announced one day that it would be too bad when she left the home & took away all the embroideries of her mother's, whereupon Mrs. Bradbury had retorted that that would not be soon since "Joe" was only earning nine cents a day (or thereabout) in the T.H electric employment & it would be necessary to wait for a rise! I was considerably surprised at such an indiscreet story, but since Mrs. B. is anything but unwary, I conclude that that is the way she desires the wind to blow.

Anne confirms the idea. She has the grace to frankly take to what she likes.

Wanted me to call on Gertie Kimball (Mrs. Berry) Says some of the girls cut her in the street. I said I would call. It would seem a strange effort on my part since Gertie

Transcription Notes:
Later she reveals the name Gertrude Kimball