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Christ the first one to call peacemakers Sons of God

Christs unresisting death a triumph, but unlike triumph to Vespatian & Titus
71 A.D

Before Christ war seemed the only path to glory fit for Sons of God to tread. Wars all men know that war is mainly devils business.

XVII Charles George Gordon
[[strikethrough]]  Tae ping rebellion [[/strikethrough]]
He was subaltern officer in the English army when Peking was sacked by the allies (French & English) 1860

Gordon fought 33 battles & subdued the Tae-ping rebellion
He would accept no presents
Spent a year in Switzerland nursing a sick brother
Gordon killed in the Soudan at the besieging of Khartoum.

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Master and men
The book deals with a few of the perplexing problems that would occur to a Christian meditating on the promises of the bible as compared to modern results in the Christian world.  An interesting ^[[subject]] and intended evidently from the opening chapters to be treated in a logical and clear manner, illustrated by well know men  in history or modern times. Having accepted the book in this serious [[strikethrough]] spirit [[/strikethrough]] almost scientific spirit, it is rather a shock to come immediately upon such [[strikethrough]] cheap fun as is bestowed upon [[/strikethrough]] a sneer as in conveyed in the following passage descriptive of the Church of Christ as it has come to be regarded "among all the conspicuous and panting institutions of Christendom" That is "As a sort of bathing house upon the beach, into which seemly men may step to change their clothes before they plunge into eternity; or as a manufactory of loin cloths for those who come naked into this world and are in danger of having to go naked out of it." [[strikethrough]] It seems to an[[/strikethrough]]