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Roland Cutter came in in the evening. I was awfully stupid. My ideas are too half cooked to be of use in conversation. It is a comfort to me now as I think of it that I advanced the opinion that 'no one even knew another well,' that we lived after all solitary lives. It is a good shelter to flee to when one has been as inconsequent and flat as I, this evening.

Nov 7th began portrait of Stark Newell charcoal.
9 thin paint to this drawing with bright blue background for foundation of crimson
14 Painted Stark. background & head
15 (Sunday) painted Stark. Coat
16 painted Stark. head
17 [[underline]]Began Russell children[[/underline]]
Also went in to Tylers to take photos of Gertrude & Mr. Morton in wedding clothes

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Nov. '96

17th began Russel children
18th Russell children
19 " " [[ditto for Russell, ditto for children]]
20 " " [[ditto for Russell, ditto for children]]

Stark Newell afternoons
7th charcoal 2-4-30
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9 thin paint to redraw head only and ultramarine background
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14 painted background & head.
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15 morning 2 1/2 hours. Coat\
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16 head. [[underline]]finished[[/underline]] expect hair & one eye.
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21 one hand and Coat
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27 other hand, hair and eye.
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