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[[preprinted]] January 12.
1 [[/preprinted]] Finished gimnasium suit at Adelaides & went to gim in a rush. Percy Thaxter  called. Lucy's studio in the evening with Oliver & Mr. Kenyon. Read Lafcadio Hearn Japanese book aloud, about singing.
[[preprinted]] 190 [[/preprinted]]
insects. Too beautifully written to suit me. Such high faluting sentences one forgets what it is all about.
[[preprinted]] 190
190 [[/preprinted]] "She stoops to conquer"
[[preprinted]] 190 [[/preprinted]]

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[[start page]]

Friday. freezing drizzle. Chinese Lilys 10 in. 9 PM.
[[preprinted]] January 13.
1 [[/preprinted]] Painted sketch of chair & dress. Lucy came up. Awfully unhappy. Tis the irony of fate that people who cannot get along together are so often doomed to live with each other.
[[preprinted]] 190
190 ^[[1  Sunday]]
190 [[/preprinted]]