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[[image - black and white photograph students outside school building. "Let's go"]]

[[image - black and white photograph students looking at basketball in air near goal. "Well, almost!"]]

[[image - black and white photograph students in gymnasium setting, in line, with teacher in front holding ball. "Line up"]]

[[image - black and white photograph students on playground. In foreground one holding bat. "Hey! Where did it go?"]]


In 1955, when the girls were making out their schedules for the school year, there were quite a few groans when a physical education class was suggested. In spite of this welcome, it has turned out to be a success. We've played basketball, baseball, volley ball, and had some exercises, too.

The highlight of the year was the basketball tournament between the four high school classes. It really was exciting! The Juniors won by a small margin with the Freshmen hot on their trail. Even if we are not professionals like the boys, we certainly enjoyed the tournament.

The Girls Varsity Basketball Team was chosen by Mrs. Wang at the end of the tournament. The twelve girls were chosen for the outstanding ability shown. They have not as yet played any games, but they have some scheduled.

We wish to say "Thank you" to Mrs. Wang, our PE teacher, for the enthusiasm she has put into our class. It would never have been such a success without her.