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[[underlined]] Leprosy and Tuberculosis Sub-Committee: [[/underlined]]
1.  Supervision of T.B. Health Workers Training Program.  TIWC contributed NT$18,355, and Rotary contributed an equal amount.  14 persons completed training program on May 31, 1958.  Final cost to TIWC NT$14,658.95.
2. NR$16,000 deposited with Provincial T.B. Sanitarium for continuing care of 5 Club-sponsored children.  Balance on June7, 1958 NT$14,658.95.
3.  Furniture installed in invalids' ward in Provincial Leprosarium (NT$7,609.75).  Recommendation to be made to June meeting that NT$800 to allocated for purchase of a sewing machine for use there.
4.  Installation of hot water heater at Happy Mount Leprosarium (NT$3,500).  Recommendation t be made to June meeting that NT$10,000 b allocated for new roof for men's kitchen and diningroom.
5.  NT$5,965 used to make 100 robes for Provincial T.B. Sanitarium.  Robes made under supervision of Social Services Committee representative.
6.  Visits made and clothing distributed at Happy Mount Leprosarium, Provincial Leprosarium and Provincial T.B. Sanitarium.
7.  Knit bandages delivered to Happy Mount Leprosarium; food and magazines delivered to T.B. Sanitarium and Provincial Leprosarium;  Christmas visit made and gifts distributed in children's ward of Provincial T.B. Sanitarium;  Double Ten Visit made and gifts distributed at Provincial Leprosarium;  Christmas seals and Welfare Craft items sold for benefit of T.B. Association.
8.  Worked on development of a leprosy education program, but funds earmarked (NT$16,568.55 plus interest) were ultimately returned to Club treasury.
9. NT$80,000 funds remaining from Leprosy Research Program (1956-57) to be returned to Club treasury in June 1958.

[[underlined]] Schools and Teaching Sub-Committee: [[/underlined]]
1. NT$10,350 allocated for two scholarships in social work at the Provincial College of Law and Commerce, Department of Sociology and Social Work.  Conditions of scholarships, application forms and guarantors' forms completed.  Screening committee to meet mid-June.

[[underlined]] Social Agencies Sub-Committee: [[/underlined]]
1.  Made visited and distributed clothing and food at Ai Ai Refuge, Jen Chi Relief Institution, Provincial Relief Institute and Shi-Kau Mental Hospital.  Distributed clothing at Hua Kuang Child Welfare Center, food at Ta-Tung Relief Institute.  Distributed Double Ten gifts at Shi-Kau Mental Hospital.
2.  At Ai Ai Refuge, took 22 children to see ballet, "Hansel and Gretel", on December 8, 1957, at International House.  Made visit and distributed gifts to children at Christmastime.  Delivered toys to children.
3.  Supervised installation of play equipment at Provincial School for Blind, Deaf and Mute (NT$9,294).  Began investigation of music program for blind students.  Recommendation to be made to June meeting that up to NT$65,645 be allocated, provisionally and pending determination of final details, for a music instruction program.
4.  NT$1,000 allocated to YMCA membership drive.
5.  At Provincial Relief Institute delivered 30 blankets.  Purchased 42 pairs of pajamas for T.B. patients at cost of NT$2,268.
6.  Developed project to establish Center for the Blind.  Project discarded for lack of building.