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Committee for the Placement of Orphans in the U.S. under the Refugee Relief Act

*Mrs. J.E. Auburn, Chairman
Mrs. R.F. Chutter
Mrs. T.Y. Lin
Mrs. Lucy Fan
Mrs. Ruchin Tsar
Mrs. Andrew Lee
Mrs. Clinton Morse
Mrs. Eric Orme
Mrs. Frank Huntley
Mrs. Harold Kreider
Mrs. K.T. Kwo

Special Help to the Christmas Project was given by:

Mrs. Olicer Schantz
Mrs. Howard Graf
Mrs. William Williams
Mrs. Robert Bower
Mrs. Corradino Bentivoglio
Mrs. H.L. Landerman
Mrs. Hsia
Mrs. Wang
Mrs. Carl Hunker
Mrs. Winthrop Russell
Mrs. Lyle Jones
Mrs. S.J. Podalak
Mrs. W.W. Wildman
Mrs. C.T. Chen
Mrs. R. Phillips
Mrs. John K. Jouett

Scrapbook Making

*Mrs. Siddhi Surrakkaka, Chairman.
The assistance of both members and non-members in the scrapbook making project this year is gratefully acknowledged.

*Bandage Rolling
*Mrs. A.J. Brundage, Chairman

Bandage Rolling Groups
National Taiwan University Hospital
Taiwan Sanitarium and Hospital

Mrs. Bentivoglio
Mrs. T.R. Bowden
Mrs. Robert Bower
Mrs. Emmett Brown
Mrs. A.J. Brundage
Mrs. Karl Cain
Mrs. Bertha Chao
Mrs. Yau Chang chen
Mrs. J.S. Chen
Miss E. Cheng
Mrs. James Coates
Mrs. Leslie Combs
Mrs. Joel Connolly
Mrs. Carleton Culmsee
Mrs. R.H. Davis
Mrs. S.E. Fu
Mrs. George Holland
Mrs. Robert Hoole
Mrs. C.T. Kuo
Mrs. K.K. Kuo
Mrs. Allan Laidlaw
Mrs. T.C. Letts
Mrs. Peter Lewis
Mrs. Mei-chen Lin
Mrs. T.S. Lin
Mrs. T.Y. Lin
Mrs. S.Y. Lin
Miss shu Yuan Liu
Mrs. Ben Marable
Mrs. Earl Mortmore
Mrs. J.H. Moore
Mrs. Clyde Organ
Mrs. R.D. Smith
Mrs. T.R. Smith
Mrs. Payne Templeton
Mrs. P.W. Voltz
Mrs. James P. Ward
Mrs. H.Y. Wei
Mrs. William A. Williams
Mrs. Irene Wu
Mrs. T.Y. Yang
Mrs. Paul Zehngraff

The Taipei International Women's Club also wishes to acknowledge the help of the ICA Welfare Group, as well as the cooperation of the many other organizations and individuals who have assisted in making this year's social welfare program much an outstanding success.

*Member of Social services committee
