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July, 1955  Tea in honor of Mrs. Perle Mesta on July 3 at Ta Tung Guest House.
Coffee in honor of Mrs. John Jones, President of West Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs, on July 21 at the home of Mrs. Oliver Schantz.
Coffee in honor of Mr. A. O. de O'Sales, Vice President of Asia Area Junior Chamber of Commerce, at the home of Mrs. Oliver Schantz.

August  Distribution of questionnaires to determine Club interest.

September  Sale of engagement calendars at Taiwan Craft Shop, Post Exchange, Friends of China Club, meetings, etc.
General meeting, September 27, 1955
Permanent name tags given to all Club members.
Program--"Get Acquainted" games under the direction of Mrs. Donald Webster.
Club hostess for September--Mrs. J. E. Auburn.

October  Annual Double Ten visits to Chinese Military hospitals in cooperation with the Joint Committees sponsored by the American Embassy. Club representatives on the Joint Committee were Mrs. Ming Tang Lai and Mrs. C. F. Field. The Club donated tinned fish, purchased with NT$ 10,000 appropriated during the last Club year.
Drive for clothing, magazines and toys to be distributed at Christmastime.
Annual Halloween dance on October 29 at the Grand Hotel under the direction of Mrs. Max Troyer.
General meeting, October 25, 1955
Meeting was attended by Madame Chiang Kai-shek.
Program--Illustrated lecture on Chinese flower painting by Prof. Ginpoh King.
Club hostess for October--Mrs. Ming Tang Lai.

November  Joint meeting with Chinese Women's Anti-Aggression League on November 15 in League Auditorium.
General meeting, November 22, 1955
Bake sale under the direction of Mrs. Ivy Chi, proceeds--NT$ 1,113.50, US$ 3.50.
Sale of Christmas cards and engagement calendars.
Appropriation of NT$ 500 for painting materials for patient at the Provincial Laprosarium. 
Appropriation of NT$ 500 for group membership in YWCA.
Appropriation of NT$ 5000 for the Hwa Kwang Child Welfare Center.
Appropriation of NT$ 6000 for continuing care of five children at the Provincial Tuberculosis Sanitarium.
Appropriation of NT$ 300 for group membership in Taiwan University Hospital Women's Auxiliary.
