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Transcription: [00:27:03]
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Wages for a pound, you were paid by the pound?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Yeah. A dollar 5 cents a pound.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} 1 dollar 5 cents a pound. Okay. And who is the owner of Denton Seafood?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Who was the-? Who the owner-?
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Who was the owner? Mmhmm.
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Uh, well it was, uh, Gus Darrell [?].
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Darrell?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Darrell. That was before him [?]
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Mmhmm. Was he - was he the owner when you first started there?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Oh no. Warren Denton.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Warren Denton.
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Mmhmm.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} So how long have you been working for Denton?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Over sixty - sixty four years.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Sixty four?
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Okay - ah, do you work just part-time now or do you work full-time?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Oh, no, I work part-time.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Mmhmm. Okay.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Mmkay. Are you the longest uh working - have you - have you worked the longest at Denton?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Yeah, I'm the longest one there now.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Gosh, and - and besides you, who - who else is there that was there when you first started out?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"}
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Theresa Cruz [?}. A girl by the name of Theresa Cruz [?].
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Okay. How old is Theresa?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} About sixty. I'd say - I think about sixty, yeah.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Okay.
[tape skip?]
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Okay. Who were some of the other workers when you first started besides Blondo?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Blondo Mason [?], his brother Lawrence. I had two brothers there, Louis and Edward, oh I could name them all, Tom Wright, George Wright, uh, [?], [?], I worked with a bunch up there. When I was there, I guess he had somewhere around seventy-five, eighty there.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} '75?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Hmm.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Hmm. Do you drive yourself there or is there a bus that picks you up -
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} No - I catch the - I walk up through and I catch the highway [?].
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Gosh. Uh. I meant to ask you about the Mexican workers. How did they - how did they usually come in? Did they drive or- ?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} No. He - he hired a bus to go get them. Pick them up. Because they lived - he rents houses for them. They're living in them houses he rent.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} I know there's one by the parsonage. [?]
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} That's right. One up there, up on the store, up on the hill, in that trailer, I don't know if you've ever seen that trailer up on the hill, as you cut through, they live there.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Oh, okay. Is that near his house? Is it-
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Yes, yes, near his house.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Okay.
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} There's some in there. They've got two houses [?} they've got some there.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Are they here year-round or do they just come in when -
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} No, they come and go. Uh -
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Like a - summer that there last month, I think, five of them left. There's five more going to leave on 28th [?}, I think. So, when they leave, there's some more coming. Because he's going to start picking crabs.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Oh, okay. So they shuck crabs also?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} They shuck crabs, too.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Gosh. They work as day hands, they shuck oysters.
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Mmhmm.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} They pick crabs.
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Yeah.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} What other work are they - the Mexicans used for?
{SPEAKER name="William Bourne"} Well there's oysters, clams and crabs.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"} Okay. Gosh. Okay.
[tape sounds]