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Transcription: [00:32:30]
{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
--splendid spire of the church dominates the village scene and at its foot lies the towns square which is the center of activity.

Because of its charm and beauty many tourists converge on Mayrhofen to take various hikes and mountain climbs as this is a very popular past time of the Austrians.

Students too come here for summer courses conducted by the University of Innsbruck.

Mayrhofen is also renowned for a family of famous wood carvers. The Moroder's. This handy craft has been handed down from generation to generation for over 150 years.

Here the father and sons are on the porch of their house busily working at their trade.

Otto Moroder, the father was one of 14 children, 7 of whom became wood carvers and he has in turn taught his sons.

Carl is the youngest.

Yohan the second Moroder son and tall bearded Alvin is the eldest son, and here's the youngest member fast learning the family skill, little 3 year old Patrick. He's Alvin's son.

Carl's specialty is carving small figures, which are for sale in the Moroder gallery. Located right in their house.

Yohan does mainly animals. Here he's working on a Chamois and using a soft wood he's able to make 15 to 20 of these a day.

Alvin is different from the others, including preceding generations as he is a modern sculptor of wood. His Splendor Madonna has the strength and clarity or contemporary designs and our story now centers on Alvin and his father Otto.

With the larger model on the left Otto's now started to carve his Madonna and right before your eyes within the next few minutes you'll see this solid block of lifeless wood transformed into a flowing, graceful figure that will live for a long time.