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Transcription: {SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
--Austria. Now in case you're wondering how two people are going to narrate one film that's easily solved, I'm leaving.



{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
But she'll be back to take you on the second half of the trip. And now if your bags are packed and your pockets full, we'll start.

But first, just a word about Austria. As you know it was once the most rich, powerful empire, encompassing almost 116,000 square miles. Now it shrunk to a size smaller than the state of Maine.

But still, the warm spirit of its 7 million people has remained as expansive as ever. Austria lies in Central Europe, it is surrounded by 6 countries.

To the west is Switzerland, to the north Germany, Czechoslovakia, to the east lies Hungary, and in the south Yugoslavia and Italy. And it's divided into 9 provinces, which are very similar to our states.

Rather than say any more about Austria, I think the Austrians themselves best sum it up. They hope heaven will be just like Austria. Well now if we can have the lights please. We'll see just how heavenly Austria is.



{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
The day we left New York for Austria we both felt great anticipation crossing the field of the waiting plane.



{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
But this we didn't anticipate, now just what does one do at a time like this?


{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
Luckily a man from the airline rushed in and gallantly helped picked up all the odd assortment of things we women are guilty of carrying.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
And miraculously we got them all back in that little bag. I'm afraid we delayed the flight a bit though in being the last ones on, stumbled up the stairs as quickly as possible.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
We thought we were traveling light, but it's all Jeanne could do to get up the stairs at all with just what she was carrying. Good thing there's a railing there to catch her.