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Transcription: [00:04:36]

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
At last! Safely in. There's a way, and we're away.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
Our competent pilot jettisoned us smoothly over the clouds, and before we knew it, we were in Frankfurt, Germany; a mere eight hours later. None the worse for wear, and ready to go on up north to Wolfsburg to pick up our car to take us on to Austria.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
Wolfsburg is a modern thriving town where the world-popular Volkswagon is made. In fact, the entire reason for the livelihood of the town is the manufacturing of the little car. [[Laughter]]

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
In the mile-long factory, that's the long brown building in the distance, they turn out over 3,000 cars a day, and it's here we picked up our shiny red wagon, which was to be a faithful companion on the ensuing journey.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
The population of the town is 60,000 and over 30,000 are employed here at the plant, which is quite a percentage. Their high wages have made Wolfsburg one of the most prosperous young towns in Germany. And, from the looks of the employees' parking lot, you can see they believe in the product they manufacture.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
Don't you wonder how they manage to find their own car?

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
Just five miles east of the bustling town is the bleak, forbidding border between East and West Germany; armed guards are on either side, although you can't see them on the eastern side as they stay well-hidden from sight in dugouts.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
It's hard to realize that this was once the busy main road to Liechtenstein, now overgrown and deserted.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
It's amazing what a change there can be in so short a distance: back in Wolfsburg, everything is new, shining and modern. The public buildings, schools, and churches all reflect the West, and progress.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
The apartment buildings are colorfully decorated, and there's even an apartment building for the unmarried Volkswagen employees called the Bachelor House. And this bachelor must be trying to attract a wife: quite a new technique, glancing the sun off a mirror!