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Transcription: {Unknown speaker 1]
The only thing that has any age here is the old 14th century Castle Wolfsburg from which the town derives its name. It was owned by one family for over 500 years, but since the war it has become a home for the little refugee children from East Germany.
On Sundays families gather in their gardens and spend typical weekend days. They're proud to say how there are more children and cars in Wolfsburg than any other town in Europe for its size, and here naturally even the children have Volkswagens
Some might even be candy-coated.
Soon we rent our own little red wagon: slightly larger though, and it was a happy day when it carried us across the border into Austria.
We headed right for Vienna, following the Danube, along one of its most scenic and legendary portion called the Wachau. The sleepy river village of Dürnstein gets its name from the castle ruins above the town, where Richard the Lionhearted was imprisoned when returning home from the Crusades.
And springtime richly patterns the fields with scarlet poppies.
Danube steamers leisurely make excursions up and down the romantic river stopping all along the way of the towns and villages.
And gaily decorated little boats line the banks of Melk, the most important town of this region because of its majestic abbey, the largest of its kind in the world.
The end of spring in Melk brings us Sommenfest [[?]], the festival to welcome in summer, and on the mountaintops along the river fires are built, figures are burned and the sight and sound of fireworks fill the last night of spring.
You might say this little figure's literally blowing his top over it all!
What a grand prelude these fireworks are; not only the summer, but also, Vienna. For Vienna is not just the name of a city: it's joy, gaiety, way of life.
Vienna the Danube. Johann Strauss and his waltzing woods. Its fabulous variety of entertainment that brought visitors to it from all parts of the world throughout the century.

Transcription Notes:
This segment was narrated by the same person-not sure if it's Lisa or Jeanne.