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Transcription: [00:11:39]
{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
Across the city, Helena suggested we meet to take a carriage ride, by the famed Opera House, adorned with festival flags — and this is where all Vienna met in November 1955 when its doors reopened.

Destroyed by the last war, the work and spirit of the people rebuilt it as it stood before. A decade of foreign occupation had ceased, and with the performance of Beethoven's "Fidelio" that memorable night, Vienna came back to life!


{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering "}
All ready now in the carriage, and our cheery little driver doffs his hat as we leave for the Ringstrasse.

Franz Joseph converted the original city walls which circled old Vienna into this beautiful boulevard, lined with many gardens and important public buildings — such as Parliament, fronted by an impressive statue of Athena.

The art history museum houses many priceless works of art, and the statue of Maria Theresa overlooks the museum.
With all the pressing affairs of state during her 40-year reign, she had 16 children! And present day mothers think they're busy!? [[LAUGHTER]]

The Karlskirche, one of the leading churches, is considered the finest example of Baroque art in Europe. It's the masterpiece of the architect Fischer von Erlach, whose name one finds throughout the country.

And right next door is the house where the composer Franz Schubert lived. And here, he composed some of his loveliest songs.


Our driver, whose name was Wilhelm Walter von [[Achuber ?]] (we called him Willie), delighted in pointing out the beauty of the Viennese architecture as we rode around.

And coming into the busy Albertinaplatz, the first thing one sees is the Café Mozart, where everyone gathers for a snack. Well, being ready for one ourselves, we headed for the garden restaurant in the Stadtpark for concerts of company--

Transcription Notes:
Lisa Chickering - did the first half of the lecture Jeanne Porterfield - did the second half