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Transcription: [00:04:31]
And wombats are found only in Australia. I can't think of a more unattractive pet, but this little girl didn't feel that way.


That elephant was still standing there and frightening Mrs. Hall. He just wouldn't move off.

Well, we drove them finally down to the airport. We're going to take the plane from here to Tasmania.

Tasmania is the oldest of the states of Australia. It's the most mountainous island in the world, with the width of 190 miles, a length of 180, and here's the town of Hobart, a 100,000 population, nestling at the foot of Mt Wellington.

The May Queen is the last of the barges, dates back over a century, and was on its final journey.

We have come to Tasmania for one reason and one reason alone: we wanted to have a day with the scallop fleet, with the finest scallops that exist anywhere are to be found here in Tasmania only a short distance from Hobart.

And there are 100 boats in the scallop fishing fleet. Fifty five were to be out on this particular morning, and it was 5 AM when we started on our journey.

Now the 55 boats have a bit of maneuvering to do. Unlike the rock scallops of the USA, the scallops in Tasmania are free swimmers, and they're found here in this sound, in this narrow neck of water, and they are swimming along the sandy bottom of the sound.

This rake-like leading edge to the wire basket is used to dig them out of the sand, and the young son of the owner of this particular craft was soon to be separating the legals from the shorts, throwing the shorts back into the water, placing the legals into a box, later to be packed in bags, taken to Hobart, and sent to the outside world.

And if you have had, if you've ever had, scallops from Tasmania, you know how
