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Transcription: [00:08:46]
I was told about their beautiful colors, but they're rather difficult to observe when you find them in that particular position.
[laughter in background]
And how they ever got the name of being the wild parrots of Currumbin, I couldn't possibly tell you.
But they never stopped eating. It's bird land again.
And now, leaving the birds, we go back to the Koala Bear Country.
They were so friendly down south I didn't see how they could be cross here at night.
Now, between the tails of the kangaroos you'll find the Great Barrier Reef.
And we're going to take this boat from Mackay. We're going out into the Whitsunday Islands.
Now the Barrier Reef covers 80,000 square miles.
It is 12,050 miles in length.
At it's maximum width, 150 miles. At it's minimum width, only 12 miles.
And here, is Brampton Island, one of the most attractive of them all.
Total area of about three square miles. You'll find coconut trees and wild goats.
And both the goats and the coconut trees were introduced by the government,
so that if any shipwrecked mariners should find themselves in this area, this dates back many years ago,
they would have a form of sustenance until they could be rescued.
Now on Brampton there are beautiful, tropical flowers. There are modern bungalows.
You can have your own bungalow, bedroom and shower,
three excellent meals per day, all for $7 per day inclusive.
And if you like a little painting, as this man from Melbourne did,
well there are many beautiful scenes right there to transfer to your canvas.
There is fishing and swimming and tennis,
and there's fossiking, as we'll see later in our visit to Brampton this evening.
Now, I was to charter a very small craft. Here it is.
Actually wasn't much of a charter.
And Gold will only beach on the far side of the island for picnic lunch and for swimming.
And as we were heading toward this beach here, the man who was operating the