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VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish, as part of the Institution's Endowment funds, a restricted fund to be known as the John Hammond Performance Series Fund and to authorize the transfer of the restricted monies identified for this purpose.

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to establish as part of the Institution's Endowment funds a restricted fund to be known as the Global Environmental Fund and to authorize the transfer of restricted monies raised or to be raised for this purpose.
The fiscal year 1991 Trust budget remains the same as approved by the Regents at the September 1989 meeting. The Institution has since received the Office of Management and Budget allowance (passback) for the Federal budget which is reflected in the following table:

(Dollars in thousands) 
[[4 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]

Appropriation  Account | FY 1991 Request to OMB | FY 1991 Passback | FY 1990 Appropriation
Salaries & Expenses | $283,769 | $256,174 | $225,480

Zoo Construction | 19,100 | 6,671 | 6,424

Repair & Restoration | 35,000 | 28,656 | 26,469

Construction |[[underlined]] 61,490 | 16,189 | 8,320[[/underlined]]

Total Smithsonian | $399,359 | $307,690 | $266,693 

[[/4 column table]]
The Institution's aggressive approach to the 1991 request encountered the realities of Gramm-Rudman and the current Administration's efforts to deal with the Federal deficit. In the Salaries and Expenses account, the passback provides for certain uncontrollable costs such as annualization of 1990 new positions, the cost of the 1990 pay raise, other necessary costs, reimbursement to the District government for utilities, and inflationary costs. As directed by the Office of Management and Budget, new growth includes $2.9 million for the National Museum of the American Indian, $1.2 million for the repatriation of skeletal remains, $1.0 million for global change research, and $300,000 for Quincentenary programs. Flexibility within the passback will allow implementation of the new Institution-wide accounting system, strengthening of automated systems, progress on a human resource management program, and the review of African American programming at the Institution.

The construction account provides $8.1 million for the National Museum of the American Indian and another $8.1 million directed as follows: $1.5 million for the Natural History East Court Project, $1.6 million for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute floating laboratory, $1.0 million for construction planning for the General Post Office Building and other projects, and $4.0 for minor construction. The request for $38.2 million to renovate the General Post Office Building has been delayed. The Repair and Restoration account received $28.7 million of the requested $35.0 million. An allocation of $6.7 million to the Zoo Construction account will allow proceeding with top priority items from the $19.1 million requested. In addition, the Office of Management and Budget agreed to permit the Smithsonian to apply $500,000 from

Transcription Notes:
Page 7 is a duplicate of page 24. Page 7 was transcribed and then pasted into page 24.