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crippling reductions could be made. It is also apparent that the preliminary 1992 planning figure from OMB falls short of covering baseline costs of current operations. The Secretary indicated that he would report further on this topic at the next meeting of the Regents. 

Mr. Adams gave the Regents a brief report on the status of the proposed National Postal Museum. He also discussed the potential sale of some real estate and the controversy surrounding the Institution's consideration of locating the submillimeter telescope array atop Mt. Graham. The Secretary assured the Regents that both topics will be brought back to the Regents prior to arriving at any decisions. 

[[underlined]] FINANCIAL REPORT [[/underlined]]

Introducing the Financial Report, Miss Leven noted the likelihood of a deficit in this year's trust fund budget unless the recommended action is taken to curtail certain expenditures in programs of internal awards and grants. Mr. Jameson added that, because of absorptions and reductions of approximately $10 million in the operating funds, the Institution will be able to meet the current Federal budget only with continued belt tightening. With substantial cuts being sustained throughout the Institution, an extraordinary number of unfunded personnel vacancies (10% of authorized positions) is affecting both research and collections management support as well as museum security staffing; the latter has forced certain exhibition halls to be closed, until (most recently) augmented recruiting was made possible by reprogramming of Federal resources. Mr. Jameson noted that the fiscal year 1992 planning figure from OMB does not sufficiently address deficiencies in the operating funds but does support the recommended level of funding for facilities repair and restoration. He added that it was not possible to finance extended visiting hours in the summer evenings this year because of various cuts and absorptions.

The following motion was approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the adjustments to the fiscal year 1990 budgets of appropriated and nonappropriated funds, as explained in the narrative and represented in Schedule D, with the mandate that these budgets remain in balance.

The fiscal year 1991 trust fund budget remains the same as approved by the Regents at the September 1989 meeting; changes will likely be proposed at the September Regents' meeting. The Federal budget has been revised to reflect the request to Congress, based upon the Office of Management and Budget passback as reported previously. The chart below summarizes the request to Congress.

(Dollars in thousands)
[[4 column table]]
[[headings underlined]]

Appropriation Account | Request to OMB | Passback | Request to Congress

Salaries & Expenses | $283,769 | $256,174 | $256,174

Zoo Construction | 19,100 | 6,671 | 6,671

Repair & Restoration | 35,000 | 28,656 | 28,656

Construction | 61,490 | 16,189 | 16,189

  | [[tally line]] | [[tally line]] | [[tally line]] 
Total Smithsonian | $399,359 | $307,690 | $307,690
[[/4 column table]]