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[[underlined]] Program Review [[/underlined]]

The Office of Membership and Development will measure progress toward reaching the goals listed above by analyzing:

1) dollars raised for unrestricted support and for various categories of restricted support

2) numbers of individuals, corporations, and foundations contacted, cultivated, and solicited for gifts

3) percentage increases in dollars and contacts

4) number of cultivation and other special events held

5) number of hours of services provided to Smithsonian bureaux and offices

6) numbers of new and upgraded participants in the various membership programs

7) progress towards implementing new initiatives, ranging from development publications and special membership appeals to establishment of volunteer support groups

In addition, the Office of Membership and Development is committed to internal system-building, ranging from refined management procedures to sophisticated information handling capacity.

A formal review process will enable the Institution to monitor progress on Phase One of the development plan, as well as to approve the commitments necessary for implementing Phase Two for fiscal years 1992 and beyond. The following schedule is proposed:

November 1990 -- Secretary's Development Committee and Regents' [[underlined]] ad hoc [[/underlined]] Advisory Committee on Planning and Development review of fiscal year 1990 activities.

March 14, 1991 -- Secretary's Development Committee review of Development program to date; review of budget for fiscal year 1992-1993.

Ca. March 21, 1991 -- Regents' Advisory Committee review of progress to date and the budget for fiscal years 1992-1993; this session will be an opportunity to review the entire four-year program leading to the capital campaign.

Mid-April 1991 -- Submission of budget to Office of Planning and Budget;

Early May 1991 -- Regents' Advisory Committee submission of recommendations to full Board of Regents.

May, August, November 1991 -- Quarterly and fiscal year progress reviews by Secretary's Development Committee and by Regents' Advisory Committee.

The cycle repeats in 1992.