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4.  The Executive Committee shall have the power to adopt rules for the conduct of its business with respect to all matters not provided for in the Bylaws or by rules adopted by the Board of Trustees.  Such rules shall be subject to approval by a majority of the Board of Trustees.

b.  Administration and Budget Committee.

The Administration and Budget Committee shall oversee and consider and recommend policy to the Board regarding the Museum's finances and facilities.  It shall consult with and advise the Director with respect to annual operating budgets to be recommended to the Board of Regents and to Congress.  Its duties also shall include such audit functions as the Trustees may determine.

c.  Collections Committee.

In accordance with the spiritual and religious rights of indigenous peoples, an the Institution's policies and procedures on collections management and such other policies as from time to time may be adopted by the Board, the Collections Committee shall consider and recommend to the Board policy regarding conservation and the acquisition of items for the collections, and the deaccession and disposition of items by sale, exchange or otherwise and make recommendations thereon to the Board.

d.  Development Committee.

The Development Committee shall consider and recommend to the Board policy with respect to fund raising and public relations activities and provide assistance to the Director in carrying out these functions.

e.  Information and Communications Committee.

The Information and Communications Committee shall consider and recommend policy to the Board regarding all dimensions of Museum programming to assure that efficient, effective and culturally sensitive uses of technology prevail.  The Committee shall review Museum programs and plans, to the greatest extent feasible, to encourage the interdisciplinary organization of programs and publications through the use of traditional and technical means.  The Committee shall also consult with and advise the Director on matters related to development of broad bandwidth communication with Indian peoples and cultural institutions through expanded operation of existing networks and other communication methods.

f.  Nominations Committee.

1.  The Nominations Committee shall recommend to the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Director of the Museum persons to serve as Chairmen of each Standing Committee other than the Executive Committee and Nominations committee.  The Committee shall nominate persons to fill vacancies on the Board, to serve as Officers of the Board and to serve as Members of each Standing Committee other than the Executive Committee and the Nominations Committee.