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VOTED that the Board of Regents endorses the principle of authorizing the Secretary to determine competitive pay rates for the National Zoological Police and requests its Congressional members to introduce and support proposed legislation to that effect. 

VOTED that the Board of Regents endorses the proposed Federalization of SITES and authorizes the Secretary to draft enabling legislation which may be approved by the Executive Committee for its introduction and support by the Congressional members of the Board. 

The Regents were also provided with status reports on legislation previously introduced, including the Administrative Service Center, the National Air and Space Museum Extension, Land Acquisition at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, and East Court Construction at the National Museum of Natural History. Reports on Smithsonian-related legislation included the "National Afro-American Memorial Museum," the National Biological Diversity Conversation and Environmental Research Act, National Museum of the American Indian Amendments Act, National Air and Space Museum Expansion Site Selection Act, and the World War II Memorial Act.


The Regents were given status reports on the following topics:

The Geographical Dispersion of Smithsonian Operations
Smithsonian-Wide Accounting and Management Information System
Senior Level Compensation 
Semi-Annual Report: A View of Equal Opportunity - March 1991
Financial Interest Reporting System (Revised Applicability)
Litigation Report Summary
Smithsonian Position on Proposed IRS Regulations Affecting Corporate Contributions for International Activities 
National Museum of the American Indian Campaign 
Scholars Residence 
Administrative Service Center
Development Initiatives
Old General Post Office Building 
National Postal History and Philatelic Museum
Mpala Research Center
Feasibility Study of a Tour of the National Gem Collection
Major Construction Activities 


The Nominating Committee, having discussed with the Secretary future prospects for the Smithsonian, reaffirmed its belief that (1) the Board will be strengthened with the addition of women and minority members -- especially those who are Hispanic; (2) the Board will be similarly strengthened by the addition of "world class" individuals who have been associated with well-known corporate, financial/investment, or Federal activities; and (3) the Board will be well served if all future invitations to serve on the Board are explicitly for a single, six-year term and do not imply a length of service beyond six