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The Salaries and Expenses budget totals $377.2 million, incorporating approximately $19 million in uncontrollable increases, $21.9 million for base erosion, and $43.8 million in program increases. These increases include $6.5 million for Museum Support Center equipment/move, $6.4 million for computers and information systems, $4 million for the Administrative Service Center, $3.3 million for management controls and audit deficiencies, $3.2 million for specialized and technical staff and support costs, $2.1 million for the Major Scientific Instrumentation sub-account, and $2.2 million for facilities maintenance deficiencies. With respect to new program initiatives, $3.4 million is included for programs related to cultural pluralism (including a reduction of $2 million in one-time funding for the National Museum of the American Indian), $3.1 million for global change research, $3 million for education, and $1.4 million for development officers.

The National Zoological Park Construction account includes $9.3 million for various aspects of the Rock Creek master plan, $3.4 million primarily for road improvements and a maintenance facility at Front Royal, and $3.3 million for renovation and repair projects at both locations. The Institution's Repair and Renovation account consists of Repair, Restoration and COde Compliance ($31 million) and Major Capital Renewal ($5.6 million). Major components of the Construction account are $38.3 million for the General Post Office Building, $13.5 million for the Natural History East Court in-fill, $8 million for the National Air and Space Museum extension, $8 million for minor construction projects, $7.4 million for the National Museum of the American Indian, and $2 million for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Tivoli facility. 

The following motion was suggested and approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the Smithsonian Institution budget of appropriated funds for fiscal year 1993 for presentation to the Office of Management and Budget and authorizes expenditures by the Secretary in accordance therewith; any material changes in program plans incorporated in this budget shall be made only with approval of the Board of Regents or its Executive Committee.


Secretary Adams gave a brief synopsis of recent developments in the matter of the Smithsonian's indemnification of Dr. Richard Mitchell. In late July, the Smithsonian received a "Decision" from the General Accounting Office, which said, in part,

...the Smithsonian should not have used appropriations to finance the legal defense of a Department of the Interior employee detailed to the Smithsonian who became the subject of multiple federal civil and criminal investigations, and should not spend any additional appropriated funds for this purpose unless the Justice Department...certifies that representing Dr. Mitchell is in the government's interest.