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authorizes its Executive Committee to approve draft legislation for the Congressional Regents' introduction and support; at the Committee's discretion, final consideration of legislation might await the February 1992 meeting of the Board.


The Secretary noted that the staff is continuing its efforts to pull together into comprehensive form the vast array of activities that the Smithsonian already carries on in the field of education and to try to introduce some principles of synergy internally as well as to think about how to increase their external impact. As that effort appears to be nearing an end, Mr. Adams expressed the hope that he could return to the Board soon with a more comprehensive plan that explains what is being done and how existing strengths might be most effectively deployed.


The traditional Regents' dinner was held on the previous evening, Sunday, September 15, in the Supreme Court. After a brief reception in the West Conference Room, dinner was served in the East Conference Room. The Chancellor formally welcomed the Regents and their guests and gave them an engaging history of the Supreme Court as seen in the personages of the nation's earliest Chief Justices, whose portraits were on the walls.


Meeting of the Executive Committee ... Thursday, January 23, 1992
Regents' Dinner ... Sunday, February 2, 1992
Regents' Meeting ... Monday, February 3, 1992