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level of funding and to make aggressive approaches to various agencies with proposals for research support in areas related to the Smithsonian's unique research strengths and interests. The institution projects levels of approximately $38 million in fiscal year 1997.

Construction, Repair & Restoration, and Improvements

Repair and Restoration of Buildings

Maintenance and preservation of facilities continues as one of the Institution's highest priorities. In past years, funding for maintenance, repair, and preservation of buildings has not kept pace with need, resulting in a currently identified backlog in excess of $200 million. In fiscal year 1993 the Institution is seeking $36.5 million in Federal support. The Institution will require this level of annual funding if it is to make progress in eliminating the backlog.


The Prospectus highlights the following major construction objectives for the remainder of the decade:
[[Bullet points to "In addition,"]]
Completion of the facilities for the National Museum of the American Indian;

Development of first phase of the National Air and Space Museum Extension;

Restoration of the General Post Office building;

Construction of a maintenance facility at the Tropical Research Institute;

An Administrative Service Center;

Development of an African American Museum;

Construction of the East Court facility in the Natural History building;

Further development of collections research and storage facilities at the Suitland, Maryland site; and

Continued construction and improvements to the National Zoological Park's facilities at Rock Creek Park and Front Royal.

In addition, the Institution will seek annual appropriations for minor construction, alterations, modifications, and general construction planning.

During the period of fiscal years 1993-1997, the Institution expects to seek construction appropriations wthat will total approximately $531 million, with another $155 million estimated for these purposes through fiscal year 2001.