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Because the staffing and financial requirements associated with membership development and direct mail marketing are substantial, the Regents (in September 1990) approved a testing period for the Museum's membership program prior to making commitment to launch a full-fledged effort. Those tests are now completed, and the highlights of the results are as follows:

NMAI National Campaign
Direct Mail Membership - - Test Results

[[5 column table]]
|   | March Test | June Test | Other | Total |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Number of Pieces Mailed | 199,520 | 495,207 | 1,554^1 | 696,281
| Number of Members |   |   |   |   |
|   Projected (8 weeks) | 3,591 | 9,062 |   |   |
|   Actual (8 weeks) | 5,016 | 8,873 |   |   |
|   Actual (8/15/91) | 5,923 | 8,873 | 451^2 | 15,247 |
| Response Rate |   |   |   |   |
|   Projected (8 weeks) | 1.80% | 1.83% |   |   |
|   Actual (8 weeks) | 2.51% | 1.79% |   |   |
|   Actual (8/15/91) | 2.97% | 1.79% |   |   |
| Average Gift |   |   |   |   |
|   Projected (8 weeks) | $26.00 | $24.21 |   |   |
|   Actual (8 weeks) | $28.50 | $27.07 |   |   |
|   Actual (8/15/91) | $28.04 | $27.07 | $34.43 | $27.66 |
| Gross Revenue |   |   |   |   |
|   Projected (8 weeks) | $93,375 | $219,398 |   |   |
|   Actual (8 weeks) | $142,957 | $240,175 |   |   |
|   Actual (8/15/91) | $166,102 | $240,175 | $15,526 | $421,803 |

1/ "Other" pieces mailed included second and third mailings to former members of the Heye Foundation, each of whom had received their first NMAI membership information in the March mailing.

2/ "Other" NMAI memberships were received from a variety of sources including: unsolicited; "take one" brochures in the Great Hall of the Smithsonian Castle, at the NMAI in New York and in other locations; individuals who received NMAI membership literature at special events; etc.

Based on these outstanding results of the membership tests, a full "roll-out" of the program will be initiated in fiscal year 1992.

Campaign Highlights

° Hiring staff continues at the National Campaign Office according to the Campaign plan;
° The donation of office space by the First American Bank has been renewed for a second year;
° An Honorary Committee is being recruited; members, as of August 23, 1991, are as follows: