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(d) payback period, and (e) state-of-the-art redesign costs and benefits. A fourth study has been requested to do the A/E drawings for a new mail order fulfillment facility.


The Institution's Drug-Free Workplace Policy holds that, "The Smithsonian prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, posession, or use, including being on duty under the influence, of controlled substances in the work place." Violators are subject to disciplinary action. Other major components of the existing program are: employee assistance counseling; investigations by the Office of Protection SErvices, the Office of the Inspector General, and the U.S. Park Police, of incidents, information and reports concerning use of illegal substances on Smithsonian premises; education and training, through dissemination of written guidance, assistance on individual cases and presentation of voluntarily attended workshops and seminars; and voluntary testing in accordance with rehabilitation agreements or at employee's request. 

On June 24 the Secretary's Management Committee approved the elements of an enhanced Drug-Free Workplace Program, to be implemented as follows (pending availability of funding):  (a) in fiscal years 1991-1992, enhanced awareness and education for all staff, consultation with bureau directors about program, expansion of the Employee Assistance Program by hiring additional counselor, and acquisition of additional space for the program; (b) in fiscal year 1993, selection of a Drug-Free Workplace program coordinator and a training specialist, required attendance at expanded training programs for all Smithsonian managers, supervisors and employees; testing of final candidates (selected, but prior to actual appointment) for all guard and Protection Service management positions, Health Services staff, motor vehicle operators, high voltage electricians, some animal keepers, Zoo Park police, etc., and random testing of incumbent Protection Services staff in covered positions (all employees engaged in law enforcement who are authorized to carry firearms, all medical staff who have access to controlled substances and all Protection Services management).


Senior management has concluded that the current way in which the Smithsonian prepared its annual report, Smithsonian Year, does not emphasize the most important things accomplished during the year.  In addition, although the publication meets legal and legislative requirements, it attempts to serve too many audiences and thus serves none of them optimally.

This year, therefore, Smithsonian Year 1991 will have a new format to produce a publication that can better serve the needs of the Smithsonian and its constituencies--members of Congress, donors, potential donors, VIP visitors to the Smithsonian, journalists and others.  The publication will be approximately 84-88 pages, that is, more along the lines of corporate annual reports.  It will have a color cover with an education theme; a table of contents; a section with the Secretary's statement, report of the Board of Regents, a list of benefactors and a financial report; a 19-page color spread, consisting of minimal text and one stunning color photo per page of an