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VOTED that the Board of Regents amends its Bylaws to describe the responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer and to include a procedure to be followed where a member may have a personal interest in a matter before the board.


The Secretary briefed the Regents on a number of matters which did not lend themselves to written presentation in the prepared agenda for this meeting.  He reported that the Smithsonian's popular magazines, which have a major role in the Institution's diffusion of knowledge, are feeling the effects of economic downturn and diminishing advertising as well as sharp increases in postal rates.

Mr. Adams noted that the Smithsonian National Board would like to be involved in drafting a proposal for a special trust fund which will be attractive to donors and consistent with Smithsonian objectives.  It could be linked to an eventual endowment campaign.

The Secretary noted that he and the Librarian of Congress have been working recently toward an inter-institutional understanding about collecting artifacts and printed materials in areas of common interest.  To that end, a high-level consultative committee would be appointed from among the officials of both organizations.

Mr. Adams informed  the Board that representatives of a Japanese company have been trying to create a favorable atmosphere for borrowing the space shuttle "Enterprise," which is now housed at Dulles, for an exhibition in Japan.  After having considered their proposal all summer, the Director of the National Air and Space Museum has sent a letter saying that at this time the Smithsonian is not prepared to go forward with that loan.

The Secretary pointed out that the proposed television series, entitled "The Buried Mirror: Reflections on Spain and the New World by Carlos Fuentes," while seemingly controversial at a few points, should serve to open an hemispheric dialogue and contribute to a better understanding of Hispanic history and culture at an important part in this nation's development.  The Executive Committee agreed to view the final segment of the series and confer with the Secretary.

The Secretary noted that an expression of opinion recently received from the Association of Western Governors cites the proportion of the U.S. population which lives west of the Mississippi and makes two "policy" recommendations: (1) that more of the national collections should be more accessible to the citizens of the west and (2) that the process for selecting sites for new or expanding national museums, such as the Air and Space Museum, should be open to ensure all relevant factors are taken into account in selecting the site.

The Secretary reported that the Senate Ethics Committee has determined that a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee ought not be serving also