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There have been no changes made to the original Trust fund budget, which called for the Institution to identify $2.0 million in revenue enhancements. A subsequent review of the auxiliary activity operations allowed the Institution to identify the required $2.0 million plus an additional $.5 million. The original General Unrestricted Trust budget also included unspecified expenditure and transfer reductions of $6.2 million. So far the assistant secretaries have identified $5.7 million, $.5 million short of the target. As a result of these adjustments, the Institution's projected deficit for fiscal year 1992 remains at $3.67 million.

The Institution has received its passback from the Office of Management and Budget for fiscal year 1993. This allowance establishes the basis for the subsequent submission of the fiscal year 1993 request to Congress. The chart below summarizes the results to date:

[[4 column table]]
Appropriation Account | FY 1993 OMB Request | FY 1993 OMB Passback | FY 1992 Approp.
Salaries & Expenses | $377,441 | $311,000 | $280,383
Zoo Construction | 15,948 | 7,900 | 7,899
Repair & Restoration | 36,500 | 24,400 | 24,399
Construction | 79,550 | 21,400 | 19,156
Total Smithsonian | $509,439 | $364,700 | $331,837

While the passback level is significantly less than the Institution's request, it is 9.9 percent higher than the fiscal year 1992 appropriation level. In the Salaries and Expenses account, the passback provides $18 million for uncontrollable costs. This amount covers the Institution's request for salary needs, utilities, rent, and partial funding for inflation. OMB did not allow for the requested "catch-up" inflation or restoration of prior year across-the-board reductions. The passback provided $2.1 million for the Institution's infrastructure needs ($1.4 million for management controls and audit deficiencies, $.5 million for health and safety, and $.2 million for conservation of library and archival collections) and $10.5 million for new initiatives ($5.2 million for the American Indian Museum, $4.3 million for global change research, $.7 million for cultural pluralism, and $.3 million for education). In the request to Congress, the Institution will ask permission to redirect $1.3 million in one-time funding to support Major Scientific Instrumentation ($.7 million), staffing for the National Museum of Natural History's East Court project ($.3 million), and additional staffing for the Office of Human Resources ($.3 million).

The OMB passback provided $21.4 million for the Construction account. This included $13.5 million for the Natural History East Court project, $4.5 million for the Alterations and Modifications sub-account, $1.0 million for the National Museum of the American Indian's Suitland collection storage facility, and $1.0 million for the National Air and Space Museum Extension. In addition, $4.5 million was provided for general construction planning, $.5 million for Suitland Collection Center planning, and $.2 million for African American Museum planning.