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establishment of a National African American Museum within the Smithsonian and encouraged the Secretary to draft legislation to that effect (see Minutes, p. 105).

Discussions with staff representatives of Congressman John Lewis (D-Ga.) and Senator Paul Simon (D-Ill.), prime sponsors of pending legislation to create such an institution, revealed a preference for working from existing bills (H.R.1246 and S.523, respectively) and accommodating the Institution's concerns by proposing an amendment in the nature of a substitute to each of those measures. Institutional negotiations with those representatives have resulted in general agreement on legislative language based on that establishing the National Museum of the American Indian and embodied in the amendment that follows this paper.

The key elements of the proposal authorize the establishment within the Smithsonian Institution of the National African American Museum, enumerate its purposes, and authorize the Regents to plan, design, reconstruct, and renovate the Arts and Industries Building to house the Museum. Also established is a Board of Trustees for the Museum which includes the Secretary; an Assistant Secretary designated by the Regents; and 21 other Members appointed by the Regents. Nine of the 21 are to be appointed from recommendations made by other African American museums, historically black colleges and universities, and cultural organizations dedicated to educating and promoting understanding regarding African American life, art, history, and culture. The responsibilities of the Trustees are similar to those of the Trustees of the National Museum of the American Indian and are to be executed in consonance with policies established by the Board of Regents. An initial authorization of appropriations of $5,000,000 is provided.

In view of previous actions by the Regents, the following motion is suggested:

VOTED that the Board of Regents reaffirms its commitment to the establishment of the National African American Museum within the Smithsonian Institution and to that end requests its Congressional members to support legislation such as that proposed.