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[[underlined]] --VIRGINIA [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] STRATFORD [[/underlined]]

^[[+ [[checkmark]] ]] [[underlined]] 11 [[/underlined]]. [[bracket and line]] ^[[( ]] Stratford was built about 1730 and was the home for a century of the distinguished Lee family of Virginia. [[/bracket and line]] ^[[)]]
[[handwritten and circled]] 12 [[/handwritten and circled]] Stratford has recently been acquired by the Lee Memorial Foundation, and will be restored as a noble example of a manner of living now past. ^[[checkmark]] The colors in the slide are as they may some time look but not as they are today. ^[[checkmark]]
^[[skip]] [[arrow drawn from this 12 to the handwritten 12 above]] [[underlined]] 12 [[/underlined]]. The Garden Club of Virginia has financed the restoration of the garden under the direction of the landscape architect, Mr. Morley Williams. An exhaustive research has been made to establish the locations and the outlines of the old plan and the garden has been most intelligently and beautifully restored according to the following plan, based upon these studies. This accomplishment represents a great contribution to the student of the 18th century garden in our country. 
     In June 1933 the walks were finished, the paths and terraces laid out and the box planted.

[[underlined]] GUNSTON HALL [[/underlined]]

^[[+]] [[underlined]] 13[[/underlined]].  [[bracket and line]] ^[[ ( ]] Gunston Hall was built in 1758 by George Mason, the framer of the Constitution of Virginia, on the right bank of the Potomac River below Mount Vernon.^[[ ) ]] [[/bracket and line]] It is to be presumed that the grounds were laid out when the house was finished. The house is small, but admirably proportioned. It is no longer in the hands of the Mason family, but Mr. Louis Hertle, who purchased the estate in 1912, has restored both house and garden. He had little to work with in the garden except [[bracket and line]] the magnificent