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[[center]][[underline]]SOUTH CAROLINA[[/underline]][[/center]] 21- ^[[+]] [[bracketed]] [[underline]]MIDDLETON PLACE[[/underline]] on the Ashley near Charleston [[/bracketed]] [[red dot]] ^[[+]] [[underline]]51[[/underline]]. ^[[(]]Middleton Place owned by the Middleton family since 1741^[[)]] is the most outstanding example of the elaborate landscape design to be found in America. Tradition has it that an English landscape gardener was employed by Mr. Middleton, but no record of the fact has ever been discovered although much research work has been done. [[bracketed]] [[par. indent]]The river approach was the main one. This is often the case in southern estates, for the rivers were the main highways of travel, the roads, narrow and treacherous; in fact, almost nonexistent. ^[[(]]Barges, carefully equipped with cushions and canvas covers, and rowed by slaves, conveyed visitors to Middleton Place in the old days.^[[)]] [[/bracketed]] [[par. indent]]The landing was at a point directly opposite the house and visitors approached the residence by a ramp built through the terraces, which, softened and blurred by time, are exquisitely beautiful in their setting of moss-draped live oaks. One feels that one must [[indent]]"Step lightly down these terraces, They are the record of a dream."[[/indent]] [[par. indent]]From here on there is absolutely balanced plan of paths until one reaches the house. ^[[checkmark]] ^[[+]] [[red dot]] [[underline]]52[[/underline]]. [[bracketed]] The visitor today enters Middleton Place from the Charleston Road [[/bracketed]] through gates which look much as they did [[end entry]]