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Transcription: [00:07:28]
{Speaker="Martha Deane"}
Now that worked out very well.

{Speaker="Lisa Chickering"}
Beautifully, Yes it did.

{Speaker="Jeanne Porterfield"}
It was a wonderful for us.
{Speaker="Martha Deane"}
And did you, did you have time, were you able to see all the things you wanted to see?

{Speaker="Jeanne Porterfield"}
Oh yes and Italy is just the most beautiful country and the art is unbelievable.
{Speaker="Lisa Chickering"}
That's Jeanne, just loves art. Course I do too, but she's been ....

{Speaker="Jeanne Porterfield"}
Oh, I was up in those museums. When the doors opened, I was there, and if Lisa wasn't too tired from working the night before, she was there too.
{Speaker name="Martha Deane"}
Did you both study the language?

{Speaker="Lisa Chickering"}
No not Italian. We studied Spanish. We ended up studying Spanish.

{Speaker="Martha Deane"}
Cause you went to Spain next.

{Speaker="Lisa Chickering"}
Uh huh.

{Speaker name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
Yes, and I went in to see the agent in Spain about getting more work down in
Southern Spain, and he only, he didn't speak any English not a word. So in the beginning I
got an interpreter, and with the sign language and interpreter we lined up a lot of work for Lisa down in Gibraltar and Tangiers, but this experience with the agent
made us both want to learn to speak Spanish. So we went to school in Spain and learned to speak Spanish fluently.
{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
There's a course over there Americans can take. You know its the University of Madrid, you can go and take all the courses in Art, Literature, History. Of course it's all in Spanish. So, you have to learn the language.
{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
And you did go to the University of Madrid?

{Speaker name="Lisa Chickering"}
Yes. Oh, we went to the University

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Got little diplomas
{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering"}
We learned it, have our diplomas, and were very pleased with ourselves.
[Speaker name="Jeanne Porterfield"]
We ended up staying there. Imagine, we stayed there 8 months.
{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
In Spain?

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering"}
In Spain, yes! Just loved it. Had a little apartment and all our Spanish speaking friends that didn't speak any English. So, ah...

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
We had a lot of work out of Spain. Went over to Portugal and worked in Portugal. So that kept us there quite a while.
{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
You know, this manager of yours, this Jeanne Porterfield, is quite a girl. Because it's a neat trick to keep a singer working all the time in her own country.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Well that's true but ... You need the talent to work with -- If Lisa hadn't been as wonderful as she was, and such an entertainer none of it would have come by either.

{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
It is kind of amazing a little thing like that is able to get enough engagements in a country where she doesn't speak a word of the language

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering"}
I know. I was always amazed how she did it. She'd say, "well now, we'll get something here. Don't you worry." We'd just certainly fall in love with a country and want to stay.
[00:09:36]And she'd say, "Well, I'll go see the agents." I'd say, "but you know, you don't speak the language."
"oh, well, they'll understand," she'd say. And she'd go in and she, uh, would always come back. "I think we have a job."

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Of course once they saw Lisa and heard her sing, that did a great deal too.

{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
Well, you had something to work with.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield "}
Oh, [??] to work with.

{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
But even so! So you had 8 months in Spain?

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering"}
Yes. And then down in Gibralter it was my first experience singing for an English audience.
And they are the most wonderful audience. And they said you must go to England. Well, of course, that was another country. After Spain, we had full intentions to return home.
And we'd write home: "We'll be home soon now!" But, uh, we wrote ahead to England.
To the agent there, the top agent. And he said, "Come on and we'll hear you. And if it's right"...

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
That's right. He wrote back, "If she's good, she'll work." So we proceeded to stay in England. [laughs]

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering"}
Five months in England.

{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
Five months.

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}

{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
Where in England?

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering"}
London. Just in London. Mmm hmm.

{SPEAKER name="Martha Deane"}
You were in London 5 months? Again, singing in a night club?

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Chickering"}
Yes, singing in a number of the supper clubs and-"

{SPEAKER name="Jeanne Porterfield"}
Supper clubs too
[[End recording segment]]