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Box 655, Crockett, Cal.
Aug 23, 1937

Mr. F. J. Wiseman,
420 So. Detroit St.
Los Angeles, Calif.

Dear Mr. Wiseman:-

I am the brother of Weldon B. Cooke, whom you will remember well in connection with the Santa Rosa plane which you and Ben Noonan built. Just now I am very anxious to learn the year when construction was begun on the plane. I have been given dates all the way from 1906 to 1910, but I know you can tell me positively. If you know of any clippings or dated photographs to which you could refer me, I would appreciate it immensely.

Mrs. Noonan supplied me with your address, but she cannot fix the date.

I thank you for any help you may be able to give me.

Yours sincerely,

[[signature]] Robert L. Cooke [[/signature]]